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uTorrent 1.4.2 Change Log

Imagenomic portraiture 3.5.1 build 3517 lr download free. 2006-02-19: Version 1.4.2-beta (build 427)

  • Fix: Hashfails on torrents with piecesize >1MB (new bug since 426)

2006-02-18: Version 1.4.2-beta (build 426)

  • Feature:: Option to always prioritize the rarest pieces.
  • Feature:: Added active/inactive categories in category list
  • Feature:: DEL key works in RSS history, and the last item is selected
  • Feature:: RSS history remembers only 500-600 items
  • Feature:: XML parser supports # tags
  • Change: Optimized disk-io
  • Change: coalesce_writes defaults to true
  • Change: &Exit to E&xit

uTorrent 1.4.2 Screenshots

uTorrent 1 Builds

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