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< Installation‎ Linux‎ OpenFOAM-5.x

This page is dedicated to explaining how to install OpenFOAM in:

  • Community ENTerprise Operating System, aka CentOS.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux, aka RHEL.
  • Scientific Linux, aka SL.

In theory, all of the above follow the same versioning. Therefore, at the time this page was first written, RHEL, CentOS and SL were all at version 6.9.

Both SL and CentOS derive from RHEL, but CentFOAM is what inspired this (and other related instruction pages). Therefore, before even trying to follow the instructions on this page, try first CentFOAM.

Last but not least, RHEL uses Fedora as their bleeding edge Linux Distribution, where they test new features. This leads to very close similarities between them, e.g. RHEL 6.3 is very similar to Fedora 14; which means that whatever you can build on Fedora 14, you should also be able to build on RHEL 6.3!

If you do not yet feel comfortable using Linux, then perhaps you better first read the page Working with the Shell and train a bit with the shell/terminal environments, so you can have a better perception of the steps shown below.

  • 2Copy-Paste steps

A few notes before you start copy-pasting:

  1. Lines that start with # don't have to be copy-pasted. They are just comments to let you know what's going on.
  2. One wrong character is enough for breaking this guide, so make sure you can read the characters properly or that the installed language system does not break the copied characters!

2.1 CentOS 6.9

Here you have the following choices:

  • You can install from source, by either:
    • Following the official instructions from here: OpenFOAM Source Repository
    • If you're looking for semi-automatic installation instructions, try Installation/Ansible.
    • Or by following the detailed step-by-step instructions below..

Notes regarding the instructions below:

  • The instructions below were tested with CentOS 6.9, but might work with 6.6, 6.7, 6.8 or newer versions.

Discussion thread where you can ask questions about these steps: No thread available. Please a create a new thread in the forum.


  1. Switch to root mode (administrator), to install the necessary packages:
    • If the 'sudo' command tells you're not in the sudoers list, then run:
  2. Install the necessary packages:
  3. Optional: Python 2.6 that is provided in CentOS 6.x is not enough to use ParaView 5.4.0 with Python support. Therefore, either Python 2.7, 3.3 or newer has to be installed from another repository or it has to be built from source code. In these instructions we will rely on the Software Collections ( SCL ) Repository, which can be used to install software in a non-intrusive way.. which will require its own environment loading mechanism. The steps to install it are as follows:
    1. Still as root, install the aforementioned SCL repository:
    2. Then install the Python 2.7 package:
    3. To check if it's installed, run:
    4. For future reference, the easiest way to activate the environment on the current command line is to run, but do not do this right now:

      This command will be indicated to be executed at the right point in the instructions below.

  4. Now exit from the root mode:
  5. Start a new terminal. This is because you'll need a fully refreshed shell.
  6. Download and unpack (here you can copy-paste all in single go):

    But we will now have to download a few more of the necessary packages for the ThirdParty-5.x folder:

    1. First, we need to prepare for the downloads:
    2. Now, we need to download the essential source code packages for these instructions you are following (the links are from the file
    3. Next, we need to unpack the packages we've downloaded:
    4. Last but not least, the final command on this sub-list is to go back to the main OpenFOAM folder:
  7. A few details need to be fixed, before proceeding, which will change the default Boost and CGAL versions:
  8. For building OpenFOAM itself, it depends on whether you have installed the i386 or x86_64 architecture of CentOS/SL/RHEL. To check this, run:

    Now, accordingly:

    • For i386:

      Also, save an alias in the personal .bashrc file, simply by running the following command:

      Note: This last line means that whenever you start a new terminal window or tab, you should run the alias command associated to the OpenFOAM 5.x shell environment. In other words, whenever you start a new terminal, you should run:For more information on this topic, read section Using aliases to help manage multiple OpenFOAM versions in the page Installation/Working with the Shell.
    • For x86_64, it depends on whether you need 64-bit integer support or not. Depending on whether you need 64-bit integer support or not:
      • For building with the normal 32-bit integer support (maximum 2.147×109 cells, faces or points):
      • For building with the normal 64-bit integer support (maximum 9.22×1018 cells, faces or points):

      Also, save an alias in the personal .bashrc file, simply by running the following command:

      Note: This last line means that whenever you start a new terminal window or tab, you should run the alias command associated to the OpenFOAM 5.x shell environment. In other words, whenever you start a new terminal, you should run:For more information on this topic, read section Using aliases to help manage multiple OpenFOAM versions in the page Installation/Working with the Shell.

    Note: You probably will see a message similar to this one and it's meant to do so until we've built the custom Gcc version:

  9. Now we'll have to get all of the scripts we'll need to build GCC and binutils (because OpenFOAM-5.x requires at least GCC 4.8 and CentOS only provides GCC 4.4):
  10. CentOS 6.6 comes with CMake 2.6.4, but ParaView 5.4.0 needs a one of the versions from the more recent CMake 3.x series and CGAL also needs CMake. Therefore, we'll need to do a custom build and we have to do it before we build the custom GCC+binutils (reason: [1]):
    • Note: If you've already tried building CMake and got this error message:

      Then run:

  11. Now let's get and build Gcc 4.8.5 and company:

    If it still gives you the same error message from #3, then something went wrong..

  12. Now let's get and build a custom GNU Binutils:
  13. Now let's build CGAL, because we need to use custom options and we need the shell environment to be updated afterwards, for CGAL to be properly picked up for building OpenFOAM:
  14. CentOS 6.6 comes with Qt 4.6.2, but ParaView 5.4.0 needs at least 4.7. Therefore, we'll need to do a custom build of Qt 4.8.6:
  15. Given that a custom Open-MPI version is being built with these instructions, it's necessary to first build it before ParaView so that Open-MPI can be used by ParaView:
  16. For building ParaView 5.4.0 with Python and MPI, it depends on whether you have installed the i686 or x86_64 architecture of CentOS 6.:
    1. To check this, run:

      Now, accordingly:

      Since the final release of Python 2.7, the 2.x line will only receivebugfixes, and new features are developed for 3.x only.Since, the Moratorium on Language Changes, is in effect, there areno changes in Python's syntax and only few changes to built-in types in Python3.2. Its use is recommended.Python 3.2.1 was released on July 10th, 2011.Python 3.2 is a continuation of the efforts to improve and stabilize the Python3.x line. Perfino 3.2.1 download windows 7.

      • For i686:

        Note: If the SCL repository is not being used when following these instructions, then run the last line like this:

      • For x86_64:

        Note: If the SCL repository is not being used when following these instructions, then run the last line like this:

    2. Once the makeParaView script is finished running, make sure to check the contents of the file log.makePV and check if there are any errors. If you have any problems building or using ParaView, please check the ParaView installation FAQ page.
    3. Finally, update the shell environment:
  17. Now let's build OpenFOAM:
    1. Go into OpenFOAM's main source folder:
    2. We need to temporarily populate CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH with the path to the custom Qt build, so that qmake is properly found when building OpenFOAM's plug-in libraries for ParaView:
    3. This next command will take a while.. somewhere between 30 minutes to 3-6 hours:

      Note: The '4' refers to the number of cores to be used for building in parallel. In addition, the amount of RAM needed for building scales with the number of cores used, something like 1GB of RAM per core; a minimum of 1.5GB is needed for linking the libraries, which is not done in parallel.

    4. Run it a second time for getting a summary of the installation:

      Note: Technically, the build will stop as soon as the first error is found. Running a second time only makes it easier to sort through between what's already been built and where the crash occurred.

  18. To check if everything went well:
    1. Check if icoFoam is working, by running this command:

      which should tell you something like this:

      Note: And keep in mind that you need to be careful with the letter case of the command. It's icoFoam, not icoFOAM.

    2. If the previous command failed to work properly, then edit the file log.make and check if there are any error messages. A few examples on how you can edit this file:
      • By using kwrite:
      • By using gedit:
      • By using nano:

        You can then exit by using the key combination Ctrl+X and following any instructions it gives you.

      Note: It's the first error message that matters.

    3. If you don't understand the output, then please compress the log-file log.make and attach the compressed file to a post in the designated thread.
      If you do not know how to create a compressed file, then try one of the following examples:
      • You can compress the file with gzip by running this command:

        Then attach the resulting package file named log.make.gz to a post in the designated thread.

      • Or you can compress one or more log-files into a tarball package file, by running this command:

        Then attach the resulting package file named logs.tar.gz to a post in the designated thread.

    4. Instructions on how to further diagnose the issue yourself, have a look at the section Common errors when building OpenFOAM from source code in the page FAQ/Installation and Running.
  19. Now you can go read the User Guide, where you may have more than one choice:
    1. Which you can find a local copy of the User Guide by running the following command:
      • You should see two available formats: A4 and US-Letter.
      • But if it instead tells you that there is No such file or directory, then the OpenFOAM environment is possibly not properly activated.
    2. You can also find the more recent OpenFOAM Foundation User Guides online at the following page: official OpenFOAM User Guide - but be careful if you use the version that is too much ahead of the version you are currently using, given that some features have changed overtime.
  20. Note: When you want to update your build, follow the instructions on section Steps for updating on the parent page.

Reminder: Whenever you start a new terminal window or tab, you should run the alias command associated to the OpenFOAM 5.x shell environment. In other words, run the following command whenever you start a new terminal:For more information on this topic, read section Using aliases to help manage multiple OpenFOAM versions in the page Installation/Working with the Shell.

Discussion thread where you can ask questions about these steps: No thread available. Please a create a new thread in the forum.

2.2 CentOS 7.4 (1708)

Here you have the following choices:

  • You can install from source, by either:
    • Following the official instructions from here: OpenFOAM Source Repository
    • If you're looking for semi-automatic installation instructions, try Installation/Ansible.
    • Or by following the detailed step-by-step instructions below..

Notes regarding the instructions below:

  • The instructions below were tested with CentOS 7.4, but might work with older 7.0-7.3 or with newer 7.x versions.
  • There is no support for the 32-bit architectures in CentOS 7, therefore these instructions only address the x86_64 architecture.

Discussion thread where you can ask questions about these steps: No thread available. Please a create a new thread in the forum.


  1. Switch to root mode (administrator), to install the necessary packages:
    • If the 'sudo' command tells you're not in the sudoers list, then run:
  2. Install the necessary packages:
  3. Now exit from the root mode:
  4. Start a new terminal. This is because you'll need a fully refreshed shell.
  5. Download and unpack (here you can copy-paste all in single go):

    But we will now have to download a few more of the necessary packages for the ThirdParty-5.x folder:

    1. First, we need to prepare for the downloads:
    2. Now, we need to download the essential source code packages for these instructions you are following (the links are from the file
    3. Next, we need to unpack the packages we've downloaded:
    4. Last but not least, the final command on this sub-list is to go back to the main OpenFOAM folder:
  6. A few details need to be fixed, before proceeding, which will change the default Boost and CGAL versions:
  7. For building OpenFOAM itself, first we need to activate the correct environment settings and it depends on whether you need 64-bit integer support or not. Depending on whether you need 64-bit integer support or not:
    • For building with the normal 32-bit integer support (maximum 2.147×109 cells, faces or points):
    • For building with the normal 64-bit integer support (maximum 9.22×1018 cells, faces or points):

    Also, save an alias in the personal .bashrc file, simply by running the following command:

    Note: This last line means that whenever you start a new terminal window or tab, you should run the alias command associated to the OpenFOAM 5.x shell environment. In other words, whenever you start a new terminal, you should run:For more information on this topic, read section Using aliases to help manage multiple OpenFOAM versions in the page Installation/Working with the Shell.
  8. CentOS 7.4 comes with CMake, but ParaView 5.4.0 needs a one of the versions from the more recent CMake 3.x series and CGAL also needs CMake. Therefore, we'll need to do a custom build by running:
  9. Given that a custom Open-MPI version is being built with these instructions, it's necessary to first build it before ParaView so that Open-MPI can be used by ParaView:
  10. For building ParaView 5.4.0 with Python and MPI, do the following steps:
    1. Build by running these commands:
    2. Once the makeParaView script is finished running, make sure to check the contents of the file log.makePV and check if there are any errors. If you have any problems building or using ParaView, please check the ParaView installation FAQ page.
    3. Finally, update the shell environment:
  11. Now let's build OpenFOAM:
    1. Go into OpenFOAM's main source folder:
    2. This next command will take a while.. somewhere between 30 minutes to 3-6 hours:

      Note: The '4' refers to the number of cores to be used for building in parallel. In addition, the amount of RAM needed for building scales with the number of cores used, something like 1GB of RAM per core; a minimum of 1.5GB is needed for linking the libraries, which is not done in parallel.

    3. Run it a second time for getting a summary of the installation:

      Note: Technically, the build will stop as soon as the first error is found. Running a second time only makes it easier to sort through between what's already been built and where the crash occurred.

  12. To check if everything went well:
    1. Check if icoFoam is working, by running this command:

      which should tell you something like this:

      Note: And keep in mind that you need to be careful with the letter case of the command. It's icoFoam, not icoFOAM.

    2. If the previous command failed to work properly, then edit the file log.make and check if there are any error messages. A few examples on how you can edit this file:
      • By using kwrite:
      • By using gedit:
      • By using nano:

        You can then exit by using the key combination Ctrl+X and following any instructions it gives you.

      Note: It's the first error message that matters.

    3. If you don't understand the output, then please compress the log-file log.make and attach the compressed file to a post in the designated thread.
      If you do not know how to create a compressed file, then try one of the following examples:
      • You can compress the file with gzip by running this command:

        Then attach the resulting package file named log.make.gz to a post in the designated thread.

      • Or you can compress one or more log-files into a tarball package file, by running this command:

        Then attach the resulting package file named logs.tar.gz to a post in the designated thread.

        The lab partners with industry leadersand policy makers to bring open source technologies to new sectors, includingeducation, health and government.Under the school of EECS, the OSL and the Oregon State Business Solutions Grouphave joined together to create the Center for Applied Systems and Software(CASS). Elements lab 3.2.5 download

    4. Instructions on how to further diagnose the issue yourself, have a look at the section Common errors when building OpenFOAM from source code in the page FAQ/Installation and Running.

  13. Now you can go read the User Guide, where you may have more than one choice:
    1. Which you can find a local copy of the User Guide by running the following command:
      • You should see two available formats: A4 and US-Letter.
      • But if it instead tells you that there is No such file or directory, then the OpenFOAM environment is possibly not properly activated.
    2. You can also find the more recent OpenFOAM Foundation User Guides online at the following page: official OpenFOAM User Guide - but be careful if you use the version that is too much ahead of the version you are currently using, given that some features have changed overtime.
  14. Note: When you want to update your build, follow the instructions on section Steps for updating on the parent page.

Reminder: Whenever you start a new terminal window or tab, you should run the alias command associated to the OpenFOAM 5.x shell environment. In other words, run the following command whenever you start a new terminal:For more information on this topic, read section Using aliases to help manage multiple OpenFOAM versions in the page Installation/Working with the Shell.

Discussion thread where you can ask questions about these steps: No thread available. Please a create a new thread in the forum.

Retrieved from ''

Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool

The Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool removes a standalone installation of Reader or Acrobat, including any preferences and settings that may be preserved during a standard program uninstall.

While most installs, uninstalls, and updates operations happen without incident, there are cases where a user may not be able to complete such tasks due to some registry or file conflict on the machine. This is particularly problematic when permissions set on plist entries or files prevent the successful installation of new installs and/or updates. The Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool is designed to fix such issues by cleaning up corrupted installations, including removing or fixing corrupted files, removing or changing permissions registry entries, etc. The tool provides options for removing problematic Acrobat items only while leaving Reader untouched and vice versa.

Note: JavaScript is disabled in your browser. To access the Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool, please enable JavaScript and reload the page.

Adobe Reader DC and Acrobat DC Cleaner Tool

AcroCleaner for DC and later

This download provides the Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool for Windows and Mac.

2.The Windows version of the tool only supports cleanup of DC products (both Continuous and Classic tracks). If you want to remove any older versions of Acrobat and Reader products then please refer to “AcroCleaner for 10.x and later”.
3. In some scenarios Cleaner tool for Windows might affect some preferences common between Acrobat and Reader. Hence it is advised that if both Acrobat and Reader products are installed on machine then the installed product be repaired after running the cleaner Tool.

DateJune 10, 2015

Use the AcroCleaner Version 4 for DC and later on Windows to cleanup failed or partial uninstalls of DC products.


  • Download Adobe Reader DC and Acrobat DC Cleaner Tool for Windows version 4.0 (ZIP, 468 KB)
DateDec 13, 2017

Use the AcroCleaner Version 1 for 11.x, DC and later on Mac to cleanup failed or partial uninstalls of of 11.x and DC products.


  • Download Adobe Reader DC and Acrobat DC Cleaner Tool for Mac version 1.0 (DMG, 416 KB)

Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool

AcroCleaner for 10.x and later

This download provides the Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool for Windows.


VersionPreview 2
DateJune 17, 2013

Use the AcroCleaner Version 2 for 10.x and later to cleanup failed or partial uninstalls of 10.x and 11.x products.


  • Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool for Windows version 2 (ZIP, 651 KB)

AcroCleaner for 9.x

VersionPreview 1
DateJune 17, 2013

Use the AcroCleaner for 9.x to cleanup failed or partial uninstalls of 9.x products.

  • Download Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool for Windows version 1 (ZIP, 614 KB)

User Instructions

Follow either the User Interface Workflow or the Command Line Usage instructions below to use the Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool. Once you are done, please send us your comments and let us know about your experience.


User Interface Workflow

  1. Do not proceed if you installed Acrobat or Reader as part of Creative Suite. This tool can only be used with standalone versions of Acrobat and Reader.
  2. Double click the AdbeArCleaner.exe file.
  3. Verify you want to continue, and choose Next.
  4. Accept the EULA and choose Next.
  5. Choose the standalone product to clean and choose Next.
    • If the product to be cleaned is installed on the machine, tool directly proceeds to cleanup.
    • If the product is not found, then Acrobat/Reader is cleaned from default installation location at ProgramFilesFolderAdobeAcrobat *.* folder. The user is also given an option to select and add any other additional installation.
  6. If more than one product is detected, choose which product to remove and whether or not to remove any files that may be shared between Adobe Reader and Acrobat.
  7. Choose Clean Now. Cleanup begins.
  8. When finished, restart the machine.

Command Line Usage

  1. Do not proceed if you installed Acrobat or Reader as part of Creative Suite. This tool can only be used with standalone versions of Acrobat and Reader.
  2. Open a command prompt.
  3. Run tool with the desired command line parameters as follows:
    ProductIdIdentifies the product:
    0 = Acrobat (Default)
    1 = Reader
    InstallPathSpecifies the product installation path. Default = the product’s default location; e.g. C:Program Files (x86)AdobeReader 10.0. You must use this parameter when using ScanForOthers = 0.
    CleanLevelSpecifies the level of cleanup; i.e. shared components should be cleaned or not:
    0 (Default) = clean only components for the selected product.
    1 = clean components for the selected product as well as shared components.
    ScanForOthersSpecifies whether to search for and delete only the installation directory identified by InstallPath or all directories on the machine:
    0 = Search for and delete only directories found on the path specified by the InstallPath parameter.
    1 (Default) = Search for and delete installation directories system wide. This search includes non-default paths as well as default paths such as C:Program FilesAdobeAcrobat 10.0.
    /?Invokes the tool’s Help; for example: AdbeArCleaner.exe /?

User Interface Workflow

  1. Double click to mount the AdobeAcroCleanerTool.dmg
  2. Double click the file:
  3. Verify you want to continue, and choose Next.
  4. Accept the EULA and choose Next.
  5. Choose the product to remove and click Next.
  6. Applications found installed are listed separately for both Acrobat and Reader. By default, all the listed applications will be selected for clean-up. Following buttons below the lists can be used to customize the list.
    Remove button: Select the application you don’t want to uninstall and click ‘Remove’ button below that particular list.
    Refresh button: You can repopulate the full list again using ‘Refresh’ button below that particular list.
  7. Click on Clean button to remove the listed applications
  8. Press OK to confirm.
  9. Provide admin password in the admin prompt dialog.
  10. Cleanup processing begins.
  11. Press OK once finished dialog is shown.
  12. Press Quit button to quit the CleanerTool app or ViewLog button to view the logs.

Frequently Asked Questions

What products and versions work with the cleaner tool?
The tool supports both Acrobat and Reader versions 11.x , DC, and Classic Tracks – 2015 and 2017.
Does running the tool write to a log?
During execution, a log file is created at:
  • Windows 7: C:Users[USERNAME]AppDataLocalTempRaftLogsAdbeArCleaner.log
  • Windows XP: C:Documents and Settings[USERNAME]Local SettingsTempRaftLogsAdbeArCleaner.log
  • Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Adobe/AcroCleanerTool.log
If the cleaner tool executes the MSI uninstaller as part of the cleanup process, then an additional log file named Msi[RANDOM_NUMBER].tmp.log is created in the above location.
What are the system requirements?
The tool can be used on any system that is supported by product versions 9.x and 10.x.
Mac: The tool can be used from OS X 10.9 and onward.
When should the tool be used?
The tool should be used when the regular uninstall fails for Adobe Acrobat, or when you want to remove Adobe Reader from your system.
How do I uninstall the tool?
To uninstall the tool, just delete it.
How do I provide feedback?
To submit feedback or ask a question, use the Enterprise Forum .

Known Issues

  • If you have both Acrobat and Reader installed, removing the product that is the default PDF viewer can result in the other product failing to become the new default PDF viewer. When this problem occurs, run Repair on the remaining product and reboot the machine to make the remaining product the default PDF handler.
  • For Acrobat Pro Extended 9.x, the tool leaves the Acrobat entry in Add Remove Programs. To manually remove this entry, run an uninstallation from the ARP entry or manually remove the following registry entries:
    • Windows 32 Bit OS: HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall<Product-Code>
    • Windows 64 Bit OS: HKLMSOFTWAREWow6432NodeMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall<Product-Code>
    • The product code is language specific. For example, for EFG it would be {AC76BA86-1033-F400-7761-000000000004}
  • The Cleaner Tool removes the Reader 9.x or Acrobat 9.x installation even if the user chooses Cancel at the Files in Use dialog during uninstallation. The File in Use dialog appears when you try to uninstall a product that is already running.

Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner Tool

You must check the box above to indicate your agreement to the agreements listed above to activate the download link.